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eddyMOTION софтуер за сензор с вихрови токове - Софтуер за сензор с вихрови токове за анализ и конфигурация за безплатно изтегляне

eddyMOTION софтуер за сензор с вихрови токове - Софтуер за сензор с вихрови токове за анализ и конфигурация за безплатно изтегляне

eddyMOTION is a Windows-based analysis and configuration tool for eddy current probes. In combination with the TX electronics from eddylab GmbH, the software tool combines several performance features: The functional areas oscilloscope, FFT analysis, data logger and waterfall diagram, enables the visualization and documentation of mechanical movements. eddyMOTION also suites the on-site linearization of eddy current sensors in a traceable manner, without external assistance. In addition to the TX electronics and an eddylab eddy current sensor, a reference probe is required for this purpose: Together with the eddy current sensor, this probe measures the distance to the same material, with the reference probe serving to check the sensor.
UNI Split Gland – първият разделяем кабелен фитинг

UNI Split Gland – първият разделяем кабелен фитинг

Para cables fabricados en serie, facilita el mantenimiento Con UNI Split Gland, PFLITSCH comercializa por primera vez un racor de plástico para cables completamente divisible, para pasar cables fabricados de serie por un orificio o para cambiar fácilmente racores antiguos o estropeados sin tener que acceder a la instalación ni parar las máquinas pertinentes. Sus ventajas: Cuerpo del racor dividido, tornillo de presión y contratuerca en M25 para más de 100 entradas aislantes distintas Para secciones de cables de 2,0 mm a 20,5 mm Clase de protección IP 67 Valores de descarga de tracción por encima de la media según EN 62444, clase A Temperaturas ambientales de -20 °C a +80 °C
Изтегляния - Софтуер

Изтегляния - Софтуер

Our software supports the configuration, installation and commissioning of our equipment and assists in the diagnosis during operation and service.
Изтегляния - Одобрение

Изтегляния - Одобрение

Viele unserer Produkte -und Lösungen haben für bestimmte Einsatzbereiche und Länder zusätzliche Zulassungen entsprechend der jeweils gültigen Normen. Diese Rubrik bietet einen Überblick, welche Produkte für einen bestimmten Einsatzbereich in dem entsprechenden Einsatzland offiziell zugelassen sind.
Изтегляния - Одобрения

Изтегляния - Одобрения

Many of our products and solutions have additional approvals for particular uses and countries in accordance with the applicable standards. This section provides an overview of products that are officially approved for a particular area of application in the corresponding country.